In my previous post, I followed up on my k-means tutorial by applying it to cluster MNIST. We’re used to reading digits, so the centroids made perfect sense to us since plotting them just looked like a smudged number. The dataset even clustered pretty well since all digits are centred and look similar enough that decisions can directly be made on individual pixels. However, if we imagine those 784 pixels to be sensor readings, it would likely be really hard to make sense of them. Additionally, many situations would benefit from some nonlinear transformations to better capture the relationships between features. What we want, therefore, is to reduce the original dimensionality, so clustering becomes more manageable.
In this post, we’ll try to pass the data through a neural network which outputs in three dimensions. We then use K-means directly as a loss function, trying to get it to cluster points close to their assigned centroids and far from the others. This method is supposed to fail. However, I hope to use this as an entry point to some more interesting methods. Essentially, I also just thought I’d show it off since I haven’t seen it presented before.

Build the model
We do the preliminaries and create our model. I made a model with two CNN layers and MaxPooling into a 3 unit dense output. In order to plot it in 3 dimensions, I chose 3. However, I tried it with 10 as well and it didn’t perform any better.
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import math colours = ['#00FA9A','#FFFF00','#2F4F4F','#8B0000','#FF4500','#2E8B57','#6A5ACD','#FF00FF','#A9A9A9','#0000FF'] # we want to split into 10 clusters, one for each digit clusters_n = 10 # load MNIST data (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() # scale between 0 and 1 X = tf.constant(x_train/255.0) class MyModel(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self): super(MyModel, self).__init__() self.cnn_1 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3), activation="relu") self.mp_1 = tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D(pool_size=2) self.cnn_2 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=16, kernel_size=(5,5), activation="relu") self.mp_2 = tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D(pool_size=2) self.flatten = tf.keras.layers.Flatten() self.dense_1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(12, activation="relu") self.dense_2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3) def call(self, x): inner = self.cnn_1(x) inner = self.mp_1(inner) inner = self.cnn_2(inner) inner = self.mp_2(inner) inner = self.flatten(inner) inner = self.dense_1(inner) inner = self.dense_2(inner) return inner
We need to pass the centroids as parameters both since we want to keep updating the same ones, and since GradientTape doesn’t like random initialisations anyways. The new function is half of the code for centroid updating, which we’ll use just to perform prediction once we have the model outputs and the trained centroids.
@tf.function def update_centroids(orig_points, points_expanded, centroids): centroids_expanded = tf.expand_dims(centroids, 1) distances = tf.subtract(centroids_expanded, points_expanded) distances = tf.square(distances) distances = tf.reduce_sum(distances, 2) assignments = tf.argmin(distances, 0) means = [] for c in range(clusters_n): eq_eq = tf.equal(assignments, c) where_eq = tf.where(eq_eq) ruc = tf.reshape(where_eq, [1,-1]) ruc = tf.gather(orig_points, ruc) ruc = tf.reduce_mean(ruc, axis=[1]) means.append(ruc) new_centroids = tf.concat(means, 0) return new_centroids, assignments, distances def do_kmeans(centroids, y_pred): points_expanded = tf.expand_dims(y_pred, 0) old_centroids = centroids i = 0 while True and i < 50: i+=1 centroids, assignments, distances = update_centroids(y_pred, points_expanded, centroids) if tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(old_centroids, centroids)): break old_centroids = centroids return centroids, assignments, distances # classify points using trained centroids # same code as for update_centroids, but only returns the argmin def get_assignments(centroids, y_pred): points_expanded = tf.expand_dims(y_pred, 0) centroids_expanded = tf.expand_dims(centroids, 1) distances = tf.subtract(centroids_expanded, points_expanded) distances = tf.square(distances) distances = tf.reduce_sum(distances, 2) assignments = tf.argmin(distances, 0) return assignments
The training loop is fairly standard. I batch the data so it fits in the GPU. I’m counting on the fact that 5000 digits are varied enough to not be detrimental to training, but I might be wrong.
EPOCHS = 1000 BATCH_SIZE = 5000 LR = 0.0001 # patience is the number of epochs until it stops training if no loss improvements patience = 10 waited = 0 # initialise our model model = MyModel() # use adam as optimiser adam = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=LR) # initialise a large initial loss on which to improve prev_best_loss = 1e10 # variable to save prev best weights in # we want to load it back after patience runs out prev_weights = None # define centroids which we'll keep updating g_centroids = None for e in range(EPOCHS): # shuffle data each time shuffled_data = tf.random.shuffle(X) # we'll batch it so it fits in GPU memory batched_data = tf.reshape(shuffled_data, (-1, BATCH_SIZE, 28, 28, 1)) print(f"Epoch {e+1}", end="") # variable to keep track of total epoch loss tot_epoch_loss = 0 for idx, batch in enumerate(batched_data): with tf.GradientTape() as g: # predict output = model(batch) # take first clusters_n outputs as initialisation for centroids if g_centroids is None: g_centroids = output[:clusters_n] # now we do k-means on the output of the model g_centroids, assignments, distances = do_kmeans(g_centroids, output) # compute the sum of minimum distances to a centroid # in other words, the sum of distances between all points and their assigned centroid # we want to minimise this to get them as tight as possible dis_to_c = tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_min(distances, 0)) # we then want to also maximise the distance from all points to all other centroids # otherwise the model would clump everything together # we can get this by summing all distances and then subtracting the smallest ones dis_to_all = tf.reduce_sum(distances) dis_to_others = dis_to_all - dis_to_c loss = dis_to_c/float(BATCH_SIZE) + 1/(dis_to_others/float(BATCH_SIZE)) # I had the loss go to NaN before # pretty sure I fixed it but I'm not risking it if math.isnan(loss): print("N", end="") continue tot_epoch_loss += loss gradients = g.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables) print(f".", end="") adam.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, model.variables)) print(f"Epoch loss {tot_epoch_loss:.2f} ", end="") # if best loss save the weights and reset patience if tot_epoch_loss < prev_best_loss: prev_weights = model.get_weights() prev_best_loss = tot_epoch_loss waited = 0 else: waited += 1 print(f"Patience {waited}/{patience}") # if no more patience load best weights and quit if waited >= patience: model.set_weights(prev_weights) break
Training takes a while, depending on your hardware.
We can make a function that plots the numbers in the new feature space. We predict a number of centroids, scatter them with the corresponding colour, then plot the centroids.
def plot_dataset(X, y, model, centroids): # Perform prediction on the dataset to get the intermediate representation predict_batch_size = 10000 predict_count = 10000 m = [] for i in range(0, predict_count, predict_batch_size): m.append(model(tf.reshape(X[i:i+predict_batch_size], (-1, 28, 28, 1)))) res = tf.concat(m, 0) # scatter the points in the embedded feature space and the centroids fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,20)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(res[:,0], res[:,1], res[:,2], zorder=1, color=[colours[y] for y in y_train[:predict_count]]) ax.plot(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1], centroids[:, 2], "kX", markersize=20, zorder=1000) # The following just handles printing the colours in the legend mpc = [] for i in range(10): mpatch = mpatches.Patch(color=colours[i], label=i) mpc.append(mpatch) plt.legend(handles=mpc) plot_dataset(X, y_train, model, g_centroids)

It seems it did something and managed to somehow cluster a few of the digits together. Finally, let’s calculate purity.
def calc_purity(labels, assignments): d = np.zeros((clusters_n, clusters_n), dtype="int32") for l, a in zip(labels, assignments): d[a][l] += 1 purity_per_class = d.max(1)/d.sum(1) # some are NaN purity_per_class = purity_per_class[~np.isnan(purity_per_class)] return np.mean(purity_per_class) assignments = get_assignments(g_centroids, res) calc_purity(y_train, assignments)
It’s much worse than last time. Oh well. I imagine it’s part of the reason why nobody uses this method.
In any case, I hope this at least showed an uncommon way to reduce dimensionality for clustering by using k-means directly as a loss function. Stick around, since I hope to be able to illustrate some better ways of doing this in the following few weeks. As usual, please let me know if you find any bugs in my code or suggestions for improvements.